An anarchic restoration comedy rich with seduction, intrigue and danger

Passion. Heat. Sex…

Amid the fast and furious world of the South American carnival, three wandering cavaliers roam in exile whilst three women looking for love and fighting for a little freedom explore this vibrant, frenzied, dizzying world. The Rover played in the Swan Theatre in 2016, a fusion of sights and sounds, whirling music, cultural tension, dubious romance and dilapidated beauty.

Aphra Behn was England’s first female professional playwright and a strong voice in early feminism. Loveday Ingram directed this masterpiece of Restoration comedy.



Joe Allen - Stephano
Sally Bankes - Callis
Ashley Campbell - Phillipo
Faye Castelow - Hellena
Leander Deeny - Blunt
Alexandra Gilbreath - Angellica
Chris Jack - Sancho
Lena Kaur - Adriana
Patrick Knowles - Frederick
Leon Lopez - Biskey
Allison McKenzie - Moretta
Frances McNamee - Florinda
Joseph Millson - Willmore
Emma Noakes - Valeria
Patrick Robinson - Belvile
Danusia Samal - Astrea
Gyuri Sarossy - Don Pedro
Eloise Secker - Aminta
Kellie Shiley - Lucetta
Jamie Wilkes - Don Antonio



Loveday Ingram - Director
Lez Brotherston - Designer
Tim Lutkin - Lighting
Grant Olding - Music
Fergus O'Hare - Sound
Nichola Treherne - Movement
Terry King - Fights


Play trailer


During the exile of Charles II, a band of Cavaliers, including Colonel Belvile and Captain Willmore, travel to hot foreign climes during carnival season: one in search of love and the other a good time.  


The portrait of a world-famous courtesan, Angellica Bianca, is put on display, announcing her arrival in the town. As other men fight over her, Willmore pulls down her portrait to gaze on as he has no money to buy her. Much to his surprise, Angellica invites him in and, bewitched by his boldness, declares her love and gives herself to him for free. 

Hellena, a noble Spanish woman, is determined to experience love before being sent away to a convent. Florinda, her sister, is set upon following her own heart and marrying the English Colonel Belvile, against the wishes of her father (who wants her to marry a rich old man), and her brother Don Pedro (who plans for her to marry his friend Don Antonio). The sisters set off into the carnival in masquerade, where they encounter the Cavaliers.  An immediate attraction sparks between Willmore and Hellena, and Florinda arranges to escape with Belvile late at night.  


Elsewhere, a wealthy gentleman, Blunt, is charmed into the arms of Lucetta. Believing she is in love with him, he is humiliated to discover she is a thief and a prostitute.

Willmore and Hellena's growing attraction is complicated when Angellica Bianca becomes jealous.


Waiting for Belvile at her garden gate, Florinda finds herself fending off a drunken Willmore. As Don Pedro increases pressure on her to marry Antonio, she flees her home, running headlong into an angry, vengeful Blunt.

Willmore is pursued by Angellica. Goading him with reproaches for his infidelity and arrogance, she points a gun at him…

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