
Here is a more detailed look at what happens in each scene of Macbeth, to help you look at the structure of the play and interrogate it.

As you look at each act we’ve listed some things to notice. These are important character developments, or key questions that an acting company might ask when they first go through the play together at the start of rehearsal. If you work through these as you go, they will help you to make sense of the play as well as starting to look at the text itself. It’s a good idea to have a copy of the play nearby!

  • Act 1

    Act 1 Scene 1

    The play opens with three witches gathering amidst thunder and lightening. They plan to meet with Macbeth that evening, ‘when the battle’s lost and won’ at ‘the set of sun’.


    • The three witches are planning to meet Macbeth.
    • There has been a battle, which will end soon.

    Act 1 Scene 2

    At King Duncan’s camp, a wounded captain tells the king that 'brave Macbeth' fought well against the rebel forces led by Macdonald. He also reports that there was 'a fresh assault' from Norwegian troops after they had defeated Macdonald, but Macbeth and Banquo ‘doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe’ and pushed them back as well. Duncan thanks the Captain for the ‘honour’ of his words and his wounds and sends him to be treated by a surgeon. Ross arrives from Fife with further news of victory. The Norwegian king is pleading for a peace treaty and has paid a ransom, while the rebellious Thane of Cawdor has been captured. Duncan sentences Cawdor to 'present death' and tells Ross to 'greet Macbeth' with his 'former title'.


    • Macbeth is a brave warrior, defeating the rebel Macdonald and the Norwegian forces.
    • The Thane of Cawdor has been a ‘disloyal traitor’.
    • King Duncan has made Macbeth Thane of Cawdor for his loyalty and bravery.

    Act 1 Scene 3

    The witches meet on the heath. One has been killing pigs. Another has been insulted by a sailor’s wife so they plot to cast a spell which will disrupt the sailor’s next sea journey to Aleppo. They hear Macbeth and Banquo approaching and cast a spell. The men encounter the witches ‘that look not like th’inhabitants o’th’earth’. The witches hail Macbeth firstly by his title Thane of Glamis, then as Thane of Cawdor and finally as ‘king hereafter!’ Banquo says there is no need to ‘fear things that sound so fair’, and asks the witches for his future. They predict that his children will be 'kings, though thou be none’. Macbeth demands to know how their prediction about him can be true when the Thane of Cawdor is still alive but the witches vanish. Ross and Angus arrive to tell Macbeth that he has been given the title Thane of Cawdor by Duncan to thank him for his valiant efforts in the battle. Macbeth considers ‘this supernatural soliciting’. He realises that to become king, Duncan would have to die but he thinks this is a ‘horrid image’. Then he adds in an aside that ‘chance may crown me, without my stir’. Banquo and Macbeth decide to discuss the witches’ prophecies at a later time.


    • The witches are vicious and have planned a horrible death for a sailor that offended them.
    • The witches look strange and inhuman and Macbeth does not trust them.
    • Before his treasonous acts, the Thane of Cawdor was well respected as a ‘prosperous gentleman’.

    Act 1 Scene 4

    King Duncan asks about the execution of Cawdor. King Duncan's son Malcolm reports that he confessed and died nobly. Macbeth and Banquo, along with Ross and Angus, join the rest of Duncan’s party. Duncan thanks them both for their part in the battle and announces that his eldest son, Malcolm, will inherit the throne from him when he dies. Duncan then says they will visit Macbeth’s castle as they travel ‘from hence to Inverness’ and will celebrate there. Macbeth decides to go on ahead to tell his wife. He remarks to himself that Malcolm is now ‘a step on which I must fall down, or else o’erleap’ to get to the throne.


    • Duncan had always had ‘an absolute trust’ in Cawdor before the rebellion.
    • Macbeth’s castle is in Inverness, where his wife has been staying whilst he has been at war.
    • Malcolm will now inherit the throne after Duncan’s death which puts him directly in the way of Macbeth being king.

    Act 1 Scene 5

    Lady Macbeth reads a letter from her husband about his encounter with the witches. She fears that her husband is ‘too full o’th’milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way’ of achieving the throne. She wants him to come home quickly so that she can ‘pour’ her words of ambition into his ears. She is interrupted by news that the king is coming to the castle that evening and that Macbeth is already on his way. She celebrates the ‘fatal entrance’ of Duncan into their home. She calls on the spirits to ‘unsex’ her and make her capable of murder. Macbeth arrives home and Lady Macbeth immediately plants the seed of her murderous intentions. She advises him to hide their plans with innocence, but be a ‘serpent’ underneath.


    • Lady Macbeth is worried her husband’s kind spirit might get in the way of their ambitions.
    • Macbeth confides in his wife about what happened with the witches.
    • Lady Macbeth immediately sees an opportunity to kill Duncan when she hears of his visit to their castle.

    Act 1 Scene 6

    Duncan and the thanes arrive at Macbeth’s castle and enjoy the ‘gentle’ surroundings. Duncan is delighted to see the ‘honoured hostess’ Lady Macbeth. She welcomes him into their home, taking him to see Macbeth.


    • Duncan and Banquo praise the peacefulness of Macbeth’s castle.
    • Lady Macbeth greets the guests as they arrive.

    Act 1 Scene 7

    Outside the banqueting hall, Macbeth considers his complex thoughts about killing Duncan. He struggles with his conscience and decides not to go through with it because it is only his ‘vaulting ambition’ that is pushing him onwards. Lady Macbeth tells him off for leaving the hall. When Macbeth tells her that he has decided against killing Duncan, she is furious, calling him a coward and a ‘beast’. She goads him by saying that she would have ‘dash’d the brains out’ of her own baby if she had promised it to him. Macbeth is further persuaded by the strength of their plan. She will give Duncan’s two guards so much wine that they ‘lie as in death’, allowing Duncan to be an unguarded target for Macbeth to attack in the night. They will frame the guards for Duncan’s murder by covering their daggers in Duncan’s blood. The final step of the plan is for Lady Macbeth and Macbeth to act horrified on the discovery of the murder and ‘clamour roar / Upon his death’. Macbeth is ‘settled’ to kill Duncan.


    • Macbeth needs to be persuaded to kill Duncan as he doubts it is the right thing to do.
    • Lady Macbeth has at least one child.
    • Lady Macbeth will drug Duncan’s guards and Macbeth will murder Duncan.

    Things to notice in Act 1

    • Notice what the Captain and Ross say about Macbeth before we meet him. What impression does this give of him as a man? Do his actions in the rest of the act match up with this description?

    • Take note of Macbeth’s reasons for and against killing Duncan in Scene 7. When do these thoughts come to mind? What stops him? What tempts him? What persuades him to do the deed?

    • Notice how many times imagery of false appearances and disguise are mentioned. Which characters use these images and why?

    • Act 1 is where we see Macbeth make the decision to murder King Duncan – he is tempted by supernatural prophecies, his own ambition, the words of his wife and an unexpected opportunity. Why do you think Shakespeare ends the act here? At this point, do you think Macbeth will go through with it based on what you know of his character?

  • Act 2

    Act 2 Scene 1

    In the middle of the night, Banquo and his son Fleance unexpectedly meet Macbeth. They are surprised he is still awake. Banquo gives Macbeth a diamond from Duncan to thank him for an enjoyable evening. Banquo tells him that he dreamed of the ‘three weird sisters’ last night, but Macbeth lies and says he has not thought about them. Alone, as he goes towards Duncan’s chambers to murder the king, Macbeth sees a vision of a bloody dagger. He dismisses the vision, saying that it is the ‘bloody business’ that is causing him to hallucinate. He hears a bell and goes to kill Duncan.


    • Duncan generously thanks Macbeth for the evening by giving him a diamond.
    • Banquo has dreamed about the witches and is thinking about the prophecies.
    • Macbeth sees a vision of a bloody dagger but we do not know if this is caused by magic or hallucination.

    Act 2 Scene 2

    Lady Macbeth waits for Macbeth to return from the murder and reassures herself that she drugged the guard’s wine so they will not wake up. Macbeth returns, alarmed that he heard a noise. He is anxious, saying that he could not say Amen and heard someone crying ‘Sleep no more: Macbeth doth murder sleep’. Lady Macbeth dismisses his fears, saying that he is ‘brain sickly’. She sees that he has brought the guards' daggers with him rather than planting them at the scene of the crime. She urges him to return the daggers, but he is too scared. Lady Macbeth goes instead. Whilst she is gone, someone begins to knock on the door of the castle. Lady Macbeth returns with bloody hands. She chastises Macbeth’s cowardice saying she would ‘shame to wear a heart so white’. She reassures him that ‘a little water clears us of this deed’; they just need to wash and get into bed so they do not get caught. The knocking continues.


    • Lady Macbeth has put the guards' daggers in a clear place for Macbeth to cover in Duncan’s blood after the murder.
    • Donalbain is sleeping nearby in the second chamber.
    • Someone unexpectedly arrives at the castle and begins to knock repeatedly on the door.

    Act 2 Scene 3

    The Porter answers the door of the castle to Macduff and Lennox, who have come to meet with Duncan. Macduff remarks that the household must have gone to bed very late to sleep in so long. Macbeth shows Macduff to Duncan’s chambers, where he uncovers the horrible murder. They sound alarms which wake all the sleeping thanes and Lady Macbeth. Lennox tells Duncan’s sons that their father has been murdered by his guards, and Macbeth explains that he killed the guards out of ‘fury’. Macduff questions why Macbeth did this. While Macbeth tries to explain his reasons, Lady Macbeth faints. Led by Banquo, the lords swear to investigate the murder. Fearing for their lives, Malcolm decides to go to England and Donalbain decides to go to Ireland.


    • Duncan had asked Macduff to visit him this morning.
    • There was a terrible storm in the night in which ‘strange screams of death’ could be heard in the winds.
    • Malcolm and Donalbain are immediately suspicious about their father’s death and seek safety abroad.

    Act 2 Scene 4

    Ross talks about a series of unnatural things that have been happening, including how the horses have ‘turned wild in nature’ and begun to eat each other, and it's dark in the day time. Macduff arrives and tells Ross that he believes that the guards who murdered Duncan were bribed by Malcolm and Donalbain, which is why the two sons have fled the country. Ross reports that Macbeth has been named king and he plans to go to Scone for his coronation but Macduff heads home to Fife instead.


    • Unexpected things have been happening in nature recently, which reflect the unnatural death of Duncan.
    • The thanes have decided that Macbeth should be the next king. He will be crowned at a place called Scone.
    • Macduff will not attend the coronation of Macbeth.


    • Notice when Macbeth is lying to Banquo, Macduff and the other thanes. How does his language change? Do you think he manages to disguise his guilt? Do any of them seem to notice a change in him?

    • Immediately after the murder, there is a humorous monologue from the Porter as he answers the door. How do you think this affects the tension for an audience? Why do you think Shakespeare includes this?

    • Notice how different images of chaos and disease are used in this act. Why do you think Shakespeare uses these? What impression do they create of Macbeth’s new regime and the events that have occurred?

    • Act 2 shows the moments before and after Duncan’s murder. Why do you think Shakespeare chooses not to show the murder itself? How is suspense built throughout this act?

  • Act 3

    Act 3 Scene 1

    Banquo suspects that Macbeth played ‘most foully’ to achieve the throne. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth invite Banquo to a ‘solemn supper’ that evening. Banquo and his son Fleance are going out riding that afternoon, but Banquo promises to return in time for the banquet. Macbeth tells Banquo that he has heard that Malcolm and Donalbain are spreading terrible rumours. When Banquo goes, Macbeth delivers a soliloquy about his fears that Banquo’s children will become future kings. If true, his murderous deeds to seize the ‘barren sceptre’ will have been fruitless for his own family. He convinces two murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance.


    • Lady Macbeth and Macbeth plan to hold a banquet for all the thanes that evening.
    • Malcolm and Donalbain have reached England and Ireland.
    • Macbeth has sent murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance.

    Act 3 Scene 2

    Lady Macbeth is concerned about Macbeth’s misery. She advises him not to think on past deeds saying ‘what’s done is done’. Macbeth is plagued by fears about potential threats and ‘terrible dreams’. He envies Duncan who ‘sleeps well’ in his grave. Lady Macbeth encourages Macbeth to put on a brave face for his guests that evening. He tells his wife that his mind is ‘full of scorpions’ with fears about Banquo and Fleance. He will not tell her what he has done but asks the ‘seeling night’ to disguise his deeds.


    • Macbeth is having nightmares that stop him from sleeping.
    • Macbeth does not confide in Lady Macbeth about his plot to murder Banquo and Fleance.
    • Macbeth feels that there are more crimes to commit before they are secure in their position as a king and queen.

    Act 3 Scene 3

    The murderers attack Banquo and Fleance. Fleance manages to escape and Banquo shouts after him, ‘Thou mayst revenge!’ and Banquo is killed. The murderers decide to return to the castle and tell Macbeth.


    • Banquo is murdered.
    • Fleance escapes.

    Act 3 Scene 4

    Guests arrive for the banquet. Macbeth sees one of the murderers arrive with blood on his face and is pleased to hear that Banquo is dead in a ditch ‘with twenty trenched gashes on his head’. He is disappointed that the ‘worm’ Fleance escaped but he reassures himself that there is no immediate threat because Fleance is so young. As the banquet begins, the ghost of Banquo sits in Macbeth’s place at the table. Macbeth is visibly shaken but Lady Macbeth calms the guests by saying that it is a momentary fit. Lady Macbeth criticises Macbeth for his ‘flaws and starts’ when he is only looking at a ‘stool’. The ghost then goes away but, as Macbeth makes a toast to ‘our dear friend Banquo’, it reappears and he cries out at the ghost saying ‘Hence, horrible shadow!’. It vanishes again but Lady Macbeth says he has ‘displaced the mirth’ and tells the guests to leave. Alone, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth discuss how Macduff declined their invitation and did not come to the banquet. Macbeth decides that he will visit the witches again the next day. Lady Macbeth says he lacks ‘the season of all nature, sleep’ but Macbeth says there is no turning back now; they are ‘yet but young in deed’.


    • Banquo’s murder was brutal.
    • Macbeth can see Banquo’s ghost but no one else can.
    • Macduff has declined an invitation to the banquet.

    Act 3 Scene 5

    Hecate, the Goddess of Witchcraft, is angry with the witches for giving prophecies to Macbeth without consulting her. She tells them to meet her in the morning where they will tell Macbeth his ‘destiny’ and lead him on to ‘his confusion’.


    • Hecate did not know of the witches' plan to meddle with Macbeth.
    • Hecate thinks Macbeth is only ambitious for himself.
    • Hecate plans to secure Macbeth’s downfall.

    Act 3 Scene 6

    Lennox is deeply suspicious about the murders of ‘gracious Duncan’ and ‘right-valiant Banquo’. He reports how Macduff ‘lives in disgrace’ since missing the Macbeths’ feast and another lord recounts how Macduff has gone to England to seek help in overthrowing Macbeth, calling him a ‘tyrant’.


    • Lennox has noticed that the people who have upset Macbeth are dying.
    • Malcolm is in England and living at court.
    • Macduff has gone to England to seek help from Malcolm and the Earl of Northumberland, Siward.


    • Compare how Macbeth lies to Banquo and the murderers in this act with the lies he tells in Act 2. Is he more successful in his deceit? How has his language changed?

    • Take note of the conversation between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth at the end of Act 3 Scene 4. This is their last conversation together. How does it differ from their first scene? What do you think happens to Lady Macbeth after this point? How are their roles different?

    • Notice Lennox’s tone when he is criticising Macbeth in Act 3 Scene 6. How do you think suspicions are growing among the thanes? Who is siding with who and why? Why might the thanes take Macbeth’s side and why might they oppose him?

    • During Act 3 Macbeth’s leadership style develops – he begins to murder or disgrace those who displease or threaten him and the forces that helped him come to power begin to turn against him. How many things go wrong for Macbeth in Act 3? What causes him to react the way he does and how do you think his lords feel towards him as a leader?

  • Act 4

    Act 4 Scene 1

    The witches cast a spell around a cauldron and Hecate congratulates them. Macbeth visits the witches and they show him three apparitions. Firstly, an armed head appears saying that Macbeth should ‘beware Macduff’. Secondly, a bloody child appears, saying ‘none of woman born shall harm Macbeth’. Thirdly, a crowned child holding a tree appears, saying that he will never be defeated ‘until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him’. Macbeth is reassured, but asks if Banquo’s descendants will ever reign. The witches advise against his question, but he demands that they answer. An apparition of eight kings appears following Banquo’s ghost. Macbeth is terrified and angry, but the witches disappear. Lennox arrives with word that Macduff has fled to England. Privately, Macbeth vows to kill all of Macduff’s family including ’his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line’.


    • The witches are able to conjure strange apparitions.
    • Lennox is still acting as though he is loyal to Macbeth.
    • Macbeth vows to kill all of Macduff’s family.

    Act 4 Scene 2

    Lady Macduff worries about why her husband has fled to England. Ross reassures her that Macduff is ‘noble, wise, judicious’ but dares not tell her any more and leaves. Lady Macduff tells her son that his father is dead and was a traitor, but he teases her and knows it is not true. A messenger advises Lady Macduff to flee with her family, but she does not go, saying she has ‘done no harm’. Murderers arrive seeking Macduff and, finding him gone, they kill both his son and wife.


    • Macduff has not told Lady Macduff his reasons for leaving Scotland.
    • Someone wants to warn Lady Macduff that Macbeth has sent murderers to kill her and her family.
    • Lady Macduff and Macduff’s son are brave in the face of danger and defend Macduff’s honour.

    Act 4 Scene 3

    In England, Macduff tells Malcolm of how Scotland is suffering under the ‘tyrant’ Macbeth. Malcolm is suspicious of Macduff and tests his loyalty by saying that if Malcolm became king, his own ‘vices’ would be worse than Macbeth's. Macduff excuses several of Malcolm’s flaws. However, when Malcolm claims that he will bring chaos on Scotland were he to rule, Macduff condemns him, saying his ‘hope ends here’. Seeing Macduff’s response, Malcolm’s suspicions are gone and he tells Macduff that he was ‘false speaking’ and is in fact devoted to his country and people. Malcolm is ready with Old Siward and 10,000 men to invade Scotland. A doctor tells how King Edward cures people through touch, which is a gift bestowed on true kings. Ross arrives to tell Macduff the terrible news about the death of his wife and children. Malcolm comforts Macduff, advising that they ‘make us medicines of our great revenge to cure this deadly grief’.


    • Malcolm has already begun to form an army with Old Siward against Macbeth.
    • King Edward is dedicated to healing and helping his people.
    • Macbeth has no children.


    • Compare how quickly Macbeth makes the decision to kill Macduff and his family with when he murdered Duncan and Banquo.

    • Notice how Malcolm tests Macduff’s loyalty with lies about how he would be a bad ruler. Why do you think Malcolm does this? Why is he initially suspicious of Macduff?

    • Take note of how Ross breaks the news of the death of Macduff’s family. He first tells Macduff that they are well, then reveals the news. Why does he do this?

    • Examine the use of language about kingship and traitors in this act. What does it mean to be a good king and a loyal subject?

    • Act 4 concerns Macbeth’s growing fears about Macduff’s loyalty, which are increased by the witches’ prophecies and Macduff’s decision to go to England. Ultimately, Macbeth secures his own downfall by murdering Macduff’s family, as Macduff is now desperate for revenge. Notice how Shakespeare builds the drama as the opposing forces against Macbeth grow.

  • Act 5

    Act 5 Scene 1

    A doctor and Lady Macduff’s gentlewoman watch Lady Macbeth sleepwalk. Her eyes are open but ‘their senses shut’. As she walks in, she rubs her hands and speaks in her sleep. She tries to wash a ‘damned spot’ of blood from her hands. She mentions elements of the murders of Duncan, Banquo and Lady Macduff. The doctor advises that the gentlewoman continues to watch her. He is concerned about her ‘infected mind’.


    • The doctor has watched Lady Macbeth for two nights and she has not walked in her sleep.
    • She started sleep walking when Macbeth went into the battlefield. The gentlewoman has seen her do it several times.
    • Lady Macbeth demands that there is always a light kept by her.

    Act 5 Scene 2

    The thanes discuss how the English forces are approaching, led by Malcolm, Siward and Macduff. Macbeth is in Dunsinane but his men are rising up against him, some calling him mad. The group begin their march towards Birnam Wood.


    • Macbeth is fortifying his castle Dunsinane against an attack.
    • The thanes plan to meet the English forces at Birnam Wood.
    • The thanes are now loyal to Malcolm who they view as the ‘med’cine’ of the country.

    Act 5 Scene 3

    Macbeth angrily dismisses those who bring him reports of attack. He reassures himself that he ‘cannot taint with fear’ because of the witches’ prophecies, but calls for his armour to be brought to him by a character called Seyton. The doctor tells Macbeth that he cannot help Lady Macbeth with the ‘thick-coming fancies that keep her from her rest’.


    • Malcolm’s army is approaching.
    • Seyton tells Macbeth his armour is not yet needed, but he demands it is brought to him. In some productions these lines are delivered by a different character.
    • The doctor wishes he could be free from Dunsinane.

    Act 5 Scene 4

    The Scottish lords gather with Malcolm, Macduff and their army. They cut down boughs of the trees in Birnam Wood to use as camouflage and ‘shadow the numbers of our host’.


    • Malcolm’s plan is to use the branches to disguise the number of soldiers in the army.
    • Macbeth will not leave the castle and is determined to face the siege.
    • Siward advises Macduff against overconfidence. Although they are righteous in their thinking, the battle will determine the result.

    Act 5 Scene 5

    Macbeth continues to stand his ground against the siege. He has ‘almost forgot the taste of fears’. Seyton reports that Lady Macbeth is dead. Macbeth reflects on the pointless nature of life being only ‘a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing’. A messenger informs Macbeth that he has seen Birnam Wood moving towards Dunsinane hill. Macbeth is unnerved that the prophecy has come true but vows he will die fighting.


    • Macbeth is confident in the castle’s defences.
    • Lady Macbeth has died.
    • The army have begun their march up the hill with the branches as camouflage.

    Act 5 Scene 6

    Malcolm’s army have arrived outside the castle. They throw down their camouflaging branches to reveal themselves. Malcolm talks through the battle plan against the ‘tyrant’s power’.


    • Malcolm’s plan to reveal their true numbers outside the castle works.
    • Siward and Young Siward will lead the first battle.

    Act 5 Scene 7

    Macbeth declares that he will fight, but remains reassured by the prophecy that he cannot be defeated by anyone born of a woman. Young Siward challenges Macbeth and Macbeth kills him. Macduff enters the castle, seeking vengeance on Macbeth for the murder of his family. Malcolm and Siward enter the castle.


    • Macbeth’s soldiers are turning against him and joining with Malcolm’s army.
    • Macduff only wants to fight with Macbeth so he can avenge his family.
    • The battle is going well for Malcolm, and Macbeth is nearly defeated.

    Act 5 Scene 8

    Macduff confronts the ‘hell-hound’ Macbeth and they fight. When Macbeth claims he cannot be defeated because he has a ‘charmed life’, Macduff reveals that he was ‘from his mother’s womb untimely ripped’. The witches’ prophecy comes true as Macduff kills Macbeth.


    • Macduff was born by Caesarean birth.
    • When Macbeth discovers this news, he does not want to fight with Macduff.
    • The thought of being forced to submit to Malcolm and being tormented in front of a crowd prompts Macbeth to fight on.

    Act 5 Scene 9

    Malcolm is concerned about the safety of Macduff and Young Siward. Ross tells Siward that his son has been killed in battle, but died bravely. Macduff arrives with Macbeth’s severed head. He hails Malcolm the new King of Scotland. Malcolm honours those who have fought alongside him against the tyranny of ‘this dead butcher and his fiend-like queen’. He invites them to see him crowned.


    • Young Siward dies with wounds on his front, meaning he faced the battle bravely.
    • Macduff hails Malcolm as the new king.
    • Lady Macbeth committed suicide.


    • Consider Lady Macbeth’s language in Act 5 Scene 1. Previously, she has always spoken in verse but now she speaks in prose. How does the language and punctuation tell us she is mentally unwell?

    • Take note of how many short scenes there are in this act. How does this increase the drama and tension as the play builds to Macbeth’s death?

    • Macbeth claims to be confident because of the assurance of the witches’ prophecies. Do you think there are moments when he is scared? Look for the moments when you think he acts out of fear.

    • Act 5 focuses on Macbeth’s defeat by Malcolm’s army and reveals the double meaning of the witches’ prophecies. At what points do the audience know that the prophecies are going to come true? Is it at the same point as Macbeth finds out?