60 years of memories

Last year we celebrated 60 years since the granting of our royal charter, and as we continue to celebrate this milestone, we want to hear from you. You, along with the millions of others who have enjoyed performances in Stratford-upon-Avon, London, across the country and around the world, are at the heart of our Royal Shakespeare Community. 

Our audiences are part of our history, and we want to hear your voice and your experiences. From your first time visit to your favourite Shakespeare or family production, how the RSC has inspired you, or even bumping into your favourite actor, we would love to hear your most cherished memory of the RSC.

Below you can read the memories that have already been submitted. You can submit your own memory online or if you have any questions please email memories@rsc.org.uk.

Richard II_ 1987_ Jeremy Irons as Richard II_1987_Photo by Reg Wilson _c_ RSC_301868
Jeremy Irons in Richard II, the Barbican Theatre, 1987. Directed by Barry Kyle.
Photo by Reg Wilson © RSC Browse and license our images
The Tempest_ 2016_ Ariel and Prospero_2016_Photo by Topher McGrillis _c_ RSC_207549
Simon Russell Beale and Mark Quartley in The Tempest, 2016.
Photo by Topher McGrillis © RSC Browse and license our images
Romeo and Juliet_ 1961_  Juliet cradles the dead Romeo_1961_Photo by Angus McBean _c_ RSC_40708
Dorothy Tutin and Brian Murray in Romeo and Juliet, 1961. Directed by Peter Hall.
Photo by Angus McBean © RSC Browse and license our images
Henry VI_ Part 1 _2006_Ellie Kurttz_93018
Chuk Iwuji in Henry VI, Part 1, Courtyard Theatre, 2006. Directed by Michael Boyd.
Photo by Ellie Kurttz © RSC Browse and license our images

Shakespeare memories

As you reflect on your memories, we ask you to consider making a donation to help Keep Your RSC and guarantee transformative experiences of theatre for future generations. You will be creating memories that last a lifetime.

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You can use the search bar to find your own memory, or search for specific actors or plays.  

I was around 14 and my Dad had persuaded me to join him in a rare trip to a theatre - Natasha

I first came to the RSC on a school English Literature activities week - Veronica Brown

I couldn't imagine I could ever see a better production, and I never have - Janis Roberts

I can still remember being there, and see the gauze as the lighting on and behind it changed. And above all I remember it was quite simply magic - Alison Sandford, subscriber

I remember it as intense, visceral, claustrophobic.

The sight of Kenneth Branagh and company sliding under the ‘walls’ of Harfleur - John Laidlaw

My big awakening to Shakespeare was watching Peter Brook's production of Lear - Patrick Gibbins

wrote out a brief synopsis of Othello for a friend - Gillian Mullins, Bronze Patron

My first visit was in the mid eighties with my grammar school I was about 23 years old - Katherine Robinson

My first real memory is of 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' with Sheila Steafel

the performance which absolutely hooked me was 'Much Ado About Nothing' starring Donald Sinden and Judi Dench - Rita Harmer

The Peter Brook A Midsummer Night’s Dream came to San Francisco when I was an undergraduate - gregory boyd, Member

this is the start of a lifetime's devotion to the RSC with many subsequent highlights - Martin WALSH, subscriber

We could not find our B&B so we slept in the Shakespeare Memorial Gardens, or tried to - Suzanne Cross

Seeing Paapa Essiedu in Hamlet is one of my most vivid childhood memories

But most of all and forever and ever Nicholas Nickleby - TOM RAND

Thus prompting my boyfriend to declare his love for me, fall on his knees and ask me to marry him - Marcela Miranda, Subscriber

I met Wayne Sleep in The Dirty Duck with Royal Ballet colleagues

The opportunity to perform on the Swan stage while I was in primary school has stuck with me many many years later - Rebecca

Titus Andronicus with Vivien Leigh and Lawrence Olivier

Othello with Paul Robeson and Sam Wanamaker - Linda, Subscriber

finding that I was sitting next to Stephen Sondheim in the Barbican Theatre - Lee Marshall

A wonderful detail and typical of the quality of RSC products - Mark Gunning

My most cherished memory is that of being an extra in the productions of The Dillen - karen rowe

In the 1960s I and a group of schoolfriends attended the RSC regularly - Gill Bennett

Mesmerising theatre at its very best - Sheila Jones

Nicholas Nickleby all 6 hours of it over in a flash the very best of theatre - Peter E Morris

my husband booked out the RSC tower for a magical proposal that the RSC happily helped with - Holli, subscriber

With so many wonderful memories, it's impossible to pick just one - Edward Barrett

I became known as the Nick Nick Groupie

Antony Sher as Richard III atop the tomb like a spider - Adrian Welyczko

Dame Judi's sleepwalking scene was simply the greatest piece of tragic acting I ever expect to see - Alan Kershaw, Subscriber

Hecuba in 2015 was the most wonderful production ever - Sarah Peck

looking back I feel proud of having begun a theatre-going habit for life among many young people - Neil King

Bloody, shocking, fast and provocative, it left me pale and shaken! - Liz Jones, Subscriber

I was completely blown away and have returned frequently though I always feel that it has never been often enough - Member

I was blown away by the the acting, singing, music, choreography, fabulous costumes and story - Alice Luikinga

It is still the greatest Shakespeare performance I have ever seen - David Harwin

The RSC production of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in 2001

Seeing Henry IV parts one and two and Henry V in one day was pretty special

I remember as a young person the thrill of attending the RSC with my parents - Leonie swaden

The magnificent David Tennant did not miss a beat

Getting a magical house seat for Nicholas Nickleby - Rachel A E Feldberg, subscriber

I felt that I would always remember that moment and I have - Kate Coley

I live in Spain and every time I come home try to fit in a play at Stratford - DELYTH Sutton

Donald Sinden wagging his finger at the audience - Subscriber

As a thirteen-year-old I was totally captivated by his magnificent performance - Professor Maureen Meikle

Robert Stevenson as Lear. The most touching interpretation I have ever seen.

I was taken backstage at the RSC and saw the rehearsal room for Peter Brooks’ Midsummer Nights Dream - Linda Terry

There was a standing ovation of about ten minutes - TIM LOVEGROVE

Thank you for so many special memories - Brenda

I have kept EVERY programme right back to the first and probably have around 50 - Christine Knibb-Scarff, Member Friend

I married my darling Lisa at the top of the tower on the 25th August 2013 - Jack carter, subscriber

It feels as though every trip to the RSC is a cherished memory - Karl Falconer

he acting was fantastic as always and the costumes were absolutely brilliant bright Colours Elizabethan fused with Afro futurism - Alexander Wrightson, Member

But that experience kindled my interest in the theatre - Member

I ask my mother 'it is tomato ketchup isn't it' - Subscriber

here have been so many memorable and revealing productions in the past - John Bramley, Subscriber

I became a keen and frequent attendee when the Barbican Centre opened in the early 1980s - Anne Holland, Subscriber

But the main inspiration for my love of Shakespeare and especially the RSC has to lie with John Turner’s appearance in Troilus - Richard Inverne, subscriber

Shakespeare productions are always excellent- Trevor Battersby

I will never forget the outright joy on the faces of the children on stage

My memory is being taken by my parents to see Lawrence Olivier and Vivian Leigh in 'Macbeth' at the RSC in 1955 - Rosemary Athay, Member

I was so excited by the story that I refused to leave my seat in the interval - Roger Brockway

What could be better? - Gillian Russell, Member

We've come every year since 2000, so where to stop? -Jane Arthur, Bronze Patron

In one scene he threw a map across the stage a little too hard and it finished up in my wife’s lap. - Richard Bridgford, Subscriber

any memories still stick in my mind from these performances - Geoffrey Brown, Subscriber

As a teenager, I used to hitch hike to Stratford with some friends to buy 5 shilling standing tickets - Jane Kennedy, Member

That night I feel in love twice, with Shakespeare and Judi Dench - Anna Lawrence, Member Friend

My earliest memory is of a production of Toad of Toad Hall - Susan Price, subscriber

I have rarely spent such an enjoyable time in any theatre - Susan Atkin, Bronze Patron

I believe that there were nights when he was forcibly removed by audience members, some of whom were off-duty police officers! - Regina Kilburn, Bronze Patron

Having the opportunity to watch both Wolf Hall and Bring Up The Bodies over consecutive days with my Mum - Nicola Whaley, Member

Only in 2014 did my wish come true, when my husband booked to see Love's Labours Lost - Subscriber

We have seen so many tremendous productions that it is difficult to know where to start - Deidre & Andrew Moquet, Subscriber

It confirmed my view that great productions of Shakespeare are not the preserve of the expert, the specialist. They are for everyone, and they can mesmerise anyone - Stephen Wilson, Silver Patron

My wife and I have seen a multitude of great productions and performances, many of which live long in the memory - Graham and Nohline Ruff, Members

Kenneth Branagh as Henry V - Stella Bettoney, Member

became a member the following day and took every opportunity to travel back to Stratford - Nicola Deards, Member

Now my children attend as well and the enchantment continues into another generation - Julia Evans, Member

I remember being blown away by his performance and the quality of the production overall - Marianne Talbot, MEmber

The most spectacular stage death I have seen was Laurence Olivier - Will Wyatt, MEmber

I first came when I was 16 to see David Warner's Hamlet, 3 times - Anne carvell, Silver Patron

my happiest memory of all is the seeing the history plays in one long weekend in Stratford - Claire Martin, Bronze Patron

I think I barely breathed throughout the RSC’s production of Hecuba - Rita Antoniou, subscriber

You have brought the nation and the world great joy - Anne Reyersbach, Subscriber

As a student I hitchhiked down from Liverpool with friends to queue up for day tickets - Jacqueline Simpson, subscriber

Seeing Kenneth Branagh's Henry V and Antony Sher's Richard III on consecutive nights- Member

hat Twelfth Night made me fall in love with Shakespeare and the RSC - Christopher Elston, Bronze Patron

hose long days in the theatre where actors and audiences join together on a journey always filled me with joy and left me buzzing - Member

The cast made it so easy to understand and enjoy - Chris, Subscriber

During my teenage years I attended most production is Stratford- Member

My parents took me to Stratford in the 60s - Peter Lawrence, Bronze Patron

It was truly revelatory and life-changing for me - Michael, Bronze Patron

We were knocked out by Sir Antony Sher's portrayal of Falstaff - Mervyn Button, Subscriber

Helen Mirren was his warlike Margaret - subscriber

having to be taken out of the theatre when I was pregnant - trudi clay, Member

in the summer of 1985, I lost my heart to Shakespeare - Caroline Nicklin, Subscriber

My eyes were opened to the idea of different interpretations when we saw Dream - Sheila Clarke, Member

This production can surely never have been bettered - Malcolm Lines, Member

Getting very wet in the front stalls during a very aquatic performance of Twelfth Night - Nigel Green, Bronze Patron

Being part of the RSC Open Stages programme completely changed my life- Pam Johnson, Member

Sam West in Richard II in The Other Place - Member

Within 5 minutes I was hooked - Ann Pemberton, Member

I feel so privileged to be able to share the experience with family and friends - Ann Pemberton, Member

I'm sure that first beautiful experience on one of the world's most famous stages was what gave her the confidence to step onto others - Maggie Stansfield, Member

In 2018 we saw the funniest Merry Wives of Windsor ever - subscriber

I will never forget the outdoor production of The Comedy of Errors - Diane Horsfield, Member

in tears of laughter watching Derek Jacobi and Sinead Cusack in "Much Ado"- J Evans, Subscriber

He couldn't believe what he'd been missing and since then we've been to quite a few plays - Kim Edwards, Bronze Patron

As soon as the curtain rose on the set, I was enchanted - Kate McLoughlin, Bronze Patron

Henry V with Kenneth Branagh, directed by Adrian Noble, was the play that is seared on my memory. - Member

My most cherished memory is of Alan Howard playing Henry V - Jeremy Taylor, Subscriber

I got to see Gareth Thomas in all his glory as Orsino in Twelfth Night - Subscriber

When you are 80 it is difficult to choose one memory of the RSC in action - Bob Delderfield, Bronze Patron

David Tennant as Hamlet will forever have a special place in my heart.

I finally understood Shakespeare and why Miss Brown spoke so highly of the RSC - Elspeth Cox, Subscriber

My favourite memory is Greg Hicks as Lear - John Lewis, Member

seeing a first-class production was both exhilarating and illuminating - Adrian Brazier. Subscriber

There are so many great memories that it's quite impossible to pick out the best - Gerard, Member

Seeing Susan Fleetwood's costume from Cymbeline lay drying on the lawn outside the theatre before she made it real with her magic on stage - Jane Henderson, Subscriber

Needless to say I was smitten - Terry Spiller, Subscriber

On a very hot night in a tin shed I saw an unforgettable production that was intense and thrilling - Sharon Hancock, Bronze Patron

The flame was well and truly lit and continues to burn brightly - Tracy Collins, Bronze Patron

Tears and heartbreak many many times but such gorgeous joy too - Antony Johnson, Member Friend

it gave me a lifelong love of the RSC - Maggie Williams, Subscriber

After the most mesmerising two hours of our lives we emerged speechless - Helen Mordsley, Subscriber

There was a dusting of snow on the ground and it was so magical, as was the performance - Carol Spillane, Member

She still talks about this amazing experience at the theatre and it’s absolutely my favourite RSC memory too - Liz Redmayne, Member

I have rarely seen anything more absorbingly funny and joyful - Bronze Patron

The actors were almost gods to us - Member

We all sat in AWE. The set was amazing - Elizabeth Adeline, Member

Simple staging, phenomenal acrobatics, clear diction, and laughs and sadness galore - Robert Gifford, Subscriber

Looking at the big red programmes gives me a thrill even now - Michael Dale, Subscriber

It was my first time seeing Shakespeare performed live and it was absolutely breathtaking - Member

We saw Richard Burton play Henry V - Kenneth Davies, Subscriber

In summer of 1955 I saw Titus Andronicus with Vivian Leigh and Laurence Olivier - Maurice Varnry, Silver Patron

It was so good I saw it in Stratford and then again at The Barbican - Andrew Cooley, Member

The performance brought the print to life - Subscriber

I was hooked, dozens and dozens of performances over the years, but nothing quite like that first soliloquy - : Karen Morris, Subscriber

I first attended the RSC at the Aldwych in October 1962 - Ann Aungle, Bronze Patron

Seeing my first BSL integrated performance - Anna Comino-James, Member

Antony Sher’s Fool in King Lear. Absolutely sublime - Caroline Convery, Bronze Patron

I have to confess I fell in love, hook, line & sinker with Cherie Lunghi - John King, Member

Seeing Alan Howard in Richard III was the seminal moment that made me go back and back - Sheila Levell, Member

I saw a fantastic production of Comedy of Errors in 1978 Barrie Cooper, subscriber

I was a student, stayed in digs and watched every play in the cycle - Roger Byrne, Member

I fell in love with the company due to the leading lady Helen Mirren - Rudolf Gerber, Subscriber

Judi Dench's scream hung in the air - Mark Sutherland, Member

I was transfixed, and still remember the shiver that ran down my spine - Gillian Roberts, Subscriber

"Are you sure this is Shakespeare because it's funny?" - Margaret Parker

We bumped into him in the pub afterwards - Richard Poxton, Subscriber

My first visit to the RST in Stratford was totally magical - Ianburr, Member

I was entranced by the beautiful and charming actor who had the role of Viola - Mike Dobson, Subscriber

I will never forget my experience of sitting on the front row with Anthony Sher as Tamburlaine - Marilyn Allan, Member Overseas

I was 9 when I was transported to the Forest of Arden - Margaret Sedgwick, Subscriber

My special memory is of William Houston as Henry V - Keith Steggles, Subscriber

Visiting the RSC is a joy - Fiona Ellwood, Subscriber

How could one actor be both the inexperienced young lover and the howling, jealous old man - Subscriber

Nicholas Nickleby remains the most astonishing piece of theatre I have ever seen - Gordon Morse, Subscriber

A stand-out moment of a life-time of 60 years of theatre going - Nicola Daniel, Subscriber

one of so many happy times at the RST. - Malcolm Anderson, Member

Peter Brooks Dream brought Shakespeare truly alive for me for the first time - Liz Simpson, Subscriber

I loved the whole experience, and I totally adored Vanessa Redgrave - Veronica Hewson, Subscriber

That visit set in motion my love of theatre and in particular the RSC - Maureen Porter, Subscriber

Under our seats sat her beloved Cairn terrier a regular attendee with her to the theatre - Roger Oates, Subscriber

Totally captivated one of the best things I've done! - Malcolm Anderson, Member

The kindness of strangers got me to the theatre on time - John Tracey, Member Overseas

The RSC has played a major part in my personal life - Martin O'reilly - Silver Patron

I was a fresh-faced teenager and the RSC transformed textbooks into a visceral life experience- David Griffiths, Member

It was a revelation to see - Catherine McCormack, Subscriber

They were both bowled over! - Frank Carruthers, Member

My first experiences of the RSC go back to 1957 - Richard Gold, Member

Totally transformed my view of Shakespeare and my approach to theatre directing - Suzanne Lofthus, Bronze Patron

I fell in love with the RSC at that moment - Phil Cardew, Silver Patron

It was the first time I had seen David Tennant, he was mesmerising - Rhona Johnstone, Member

Sitting spellbound on the edge of my seat during Richard III - SERRIE MEAKINS, Gold Patron

Has to be the first time I saw a RSC production Cyrano de Bergarc - Dave Collier, Subscriber

Peggy Ashcroft is still the best I've seen - Paul Collins, Subscriber

I saw the most powerful performance of Hamlet in 2016 - Subscriber

Antony Sher as Richard III changed my relationship with Shakespeare - Vicki Stott, Member

I've seen so many outstanding productions - Cynthia Kelley, Member

Unforgettable, mesmeric, a triumph - Robert Rowley, Subscriber

How do you choose? - Member

My most moving experience (among many) - Member

My first trip to Stratford was in 1966 on a school trip.

All three of us totally starstruck! A real RSC moment - Victoria Tearle, Member

I rose early each day to wait in the queue for half a crown a ticket - Revd C.J Mooridge, Member

Proud father watching Nick’s RSC Debut - Ray Shaw, Member

Still coming after all these years - Philip Bridgett, Subscriber

I met Ian McKellen in Brighton - Subscriber

That entrance & actor are with me still - Monique Fare, Bronze Patron

RSC fever really did hit Newcastle - Michael Thompson

I’m sure the RSC helped him survive! - Subscriber

I rang my future wife from the callbox outside the Pen & Parchment to set up our first date - Silver Patron

I attended a performance of the play with some school friends in 1960 - Member

She took me and passed her enthusiasm on to me - Margaret Chadderton, Patron

Peter Pan with amazing staging - Member

Unforgettable to this day decades later - Member

The Histories, directed by Michael Boyd are a special memory for me - Kate Hart, Bronze Patron

Finest production I have ever see - John Dowling, Subscriber

We cherish our memories of Jackie and Denis’ warm welcome and hospitality over many years - John and Anita Weeks, Bronze Patrons

I first went to the theatre to see the RSC as a student in 1984 - Jane Platt, Member

In 1985 my boyfriend took me to Stratford to see the Nicholas Nickleby - Gillian Rodrigues, Patron

How amazing that a man from Stratford could entrance a group of youths four-hundred years before their time - Anthony Stellman, Member

I vowed I would be back to see a play one day - Caitlin Matthews, Member

My love affair with Shakespeare and the RSC began that day! - Bryan Cullett, Member

The last scene the audience was utterly silent apart from a few sniffled sobs - Member

I was mesmerised by the production and totally immersed in it - Keith Steggles, Subscriber

Anthony Sher's Falstaff - unbeatable! - Esther Gelling, Member

A wonderful week on a residential course, based at the Shakespeare Institute - Daphne Rumble, Member

My first visit to the RSC Stratford was a magical experience - Anne Baker, Member

Wonderful sequence of Henry V to Henry VI in one day! - Friend

As a treat my parent took me to Stratford King Lear and it changed my life - Bronze Patron

Earliest memory is our annual visit Toad of Toad Hall, I was drawing in the magic and was enchanted - Sue Price, Member

I struggled standing to the end of Othello - Sixeenia Yohnson, Member

I have been a constant visitor to Stratford and the RSC since 1986 - Simon Johnson, Patron

My favourite memory is the opening season of the Swan Theatre - Member

My visit in 1964 inspired a lifelong love of Shakespeare - Naomi Gould, Member

I was bewitched! - Juliet Hartnett, Member

My fascination with the RSC started with Troilus and Cressida tour in Switzerland - Rudof Gerber, Member

Aged 13 I first went to the Memorial Theatre as one of a group of schoolchildren - Mary Edith Moran, Bronze Patron

We booked to see Coriolanus at the RSC and we were blown away by - Member

We had to crawl down the aisles to see the fairies on their trapeses - Member

I was fourteen and a group of us came over and slept outside to get cheap standing tickets - Bridget Parsons 

After hating Shakespeare at school The Taming of the Shrew blew my mind - John Sutton, Member

I was very fortunate to watch Antony Sher on stage working out and rehearsing for Richard III - Mrs Patricia Williams, Member

Alan Howard flung a grappling iron which lodged on top of the high walls stretching across the whole stage - Donald Salter, Member

My inspirational English teacher brought me and two other sixth formers to Stratford in 1964 - Charles Worth, Member

It has stayed with me for nearly 60 years as the most chilling moment of theatre - Alastair Niven, Member

I have been reliving all my happy memories of RSC productions - Member

We saw 3 plays in 3 days and met Laurence Olivier at stage door - Jane Jenkins, Bronze Patron

Most cherished memory was watching Paul Schofield Timon of Athens - Member

The Comedy of Errors was so funny and brilliant from then on we saw plays every season - Member

Many of my best memories were from The Other Place - Sherwood Burge, Subscriber

I owe my love of Shakespeare to my father for whom the bard was his lodestar - Rosalind Faulkner, Subscriber

Shakespeare was not for us, then we saw Janet Suzman and Patrick Stewart in Antony and Cleopatra - Richard Brickwood, Member Friend

After seeing Measure for Measure in 1950 I was hooked in Shakespeare - Member

Two memories, one for crying, one for laughing - Nicholas Hodgson, Member

Michael Boyd presenting the complete cycle of History Plays was fantastic - Marjorie Green

As You Like it was visit 229 to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre - Kathleen Thorpe, Member

Uncle Bernard took us on stage after seeing him in Love’s Labour’s Lost - Jonathan Preece, Member

I finally got to see all 39 Shakespeare plays with Two Noble Kinsmen - John Hutchings, Member

I have so many memories it is well nigh impossible to choose the “most cherished” - Jennifer Tattersall, Subscriber

My father said he’s never seen me ever laugh as much as I did at Antony Quayle’s Falstaff - Hazel Parry, Member Friend

As a child I would take 3 or 4 trips to Stratford and year, and the magic now continues for our children - Geraldine Riddle, Member

There was champagne. There should always be champagne - Elizabeth Dive, Subscriber

Jeremy swash buckled his way off stage, down the steps to the right of our seats - Avril McArthur, Member

I am 77 years old but have been coming to the RSC theatre in Stratford since I was a teenager - Anonymous

There wasn’t a dry eye in the house on the last performance of Richard II - Anne Wilkinson, Bronze Patron

I don’t cry easily but I have been moved to tears on two occasions at the RSC - Anne Elizabeth Lee, Subscriber

I am 90 yeas old now, but the memories don’t go away - Angela Hartley, Member

Such energy & rituality, and so generous - Member

During the interval another child sat in his seat just saying “toot, toot” endlessly - Anthony Adams, Member

A lovely impromptu chat alone with Prospero in the Arden almost ended my friendship. - Teresa Greener, Member

Measure for Measure directed by Greg Doran was a wonderful production

Driving up to Stratford in the snow with my wife - C J Water, Member

My first experience of RSC performances gave me a love of Shakespeare’s plays and his use of language - Anne Crichton, Member

RSC productions are part of the story of my life - Subscriber

The Marat/ Sade at the Aldwych. What an introduction to the RSC. - John Gray, Subscriber

I explained that I’d been talking to Mr Beaver in the bike shed! - Mike Sillitoe, Subscriber

From then on to this day I was hooked on Shakespeare and the RSC - Janice Bancroft, Subscriber

We all fell in love with Ian Bannen in Hamlet - Ruth Coles, Member

My first enthralling visit to the theatre was as a birthday treat - Penny Valender, Bronze Patron

The impact on both of us was incredible - Paul Booth, Member

Seeing my dad with tears rolling down his face with uncontrollable laughter at A Midsummer night's Dream- Member

The RSC has given me so much pleasure over the years and no doubt will continue to do so - Mrs Miriam E. M. Campion, Subscriber

Bob Peck appeared at her side with a glass of water, saving her further embarrassment - Lynda Swalwell, Member

So there we found ourselves sitting in the centre of the dress circle - Subscriber

Henry V with Kenneth Brannagh in the title role, I was hooked! - Ruth Clarke, Bronze Patron

It’s hard to select from all the wonderful things I’ve seen over the years - Sheila Miller, Subscriber

Our first visit to the Swan was a magical performance - Judy Steele, Member

I laughed, I cried, I was part of a collective silence of suspense, fear or hope, I cheered - Jan Archer, Subscriber

It started a life long passion for and belief in the importance of the theatrical experience - Member

We were so blown away by the production that we have been returning annually - Wendy & Keith Maywhort, Members

I set myself the task of seeing every Shakespeare play - Esther Gelling, Member

My favourite memory is how spellbinding we found the production of King Lear with Antony Sher - Rebekah Yarranton, Member

In almost 30 years there have been so many memorable performances - Caroline Nuttall, Member

The two memories which stand out for me are of the RSC Newcastle Seasons - Bruce Lowe, Subscriber

My mother appeared on stage in The Comedy of Errors in 1938 - Rory Worthington, Silver Patron

One magical night, time seemed to stop as we walked through the countryside and we had the strangest feeling we had gone back 400 years. - Val Straw, Subscriber

My love of the RSC began as a child in Stratford in the 70's - Simon Bashford, Member Friend

Our favourite memory was 2012 production of The Taming of the Shrew - Mark and Alison, Subscriber

I realized that I had never fully appreciated the impact that Shakespeare’s plays can make on an audience - Michael Collins, Member Overseas

I was well and truly hooked - Sarah Price, Subscriber

The frost crunching beneath our shoes as we walked across Clopton Bridge - Maurice & Shirley Challen, Subscribers

Sinead Cusack being pushed into a pool of water - Stephen Burke, Subscriber

I shall carry on making memories as long as possible - Jacqueline Simpson, Subscriber

Nicholas Nickleby was quite a seminal moment for myself - Andy, Subscriber

Did I understand that I was watching a great actor in a memorable performance? Yes - Rosemary Parker, Subscriber

John Barton's Sonnet Workshop - Elizabeth Robinson, Friend

I totally changed my view of Shakespeare - Subscriber

It was a life changing experience - Tim Grantham, Member

I helped chaperone a school party to Stratford upon Avon to see Measure for Measure - Sylvia Woodhurst, Subscriber

Norman Rodway, Alan Howard and Michael Williams all signed by birthday card - Ginny Waters, Member

I especially love the nickname Marcus has given me, Mrs RSC - Louise Read, Bronze Patron

My most proud moment was watching my son, Anthony Henry, on the Stratford stage as Bottom - Anne Henry, Member

I remember the colour and sheer excitement on New Year's Day when I saw The Comedy of Errors - Bronze Patron

I first visited Stratford in the Summer of 1968 on a school visit - Gill Burgess, Bronze Patron

We hired costumes from the RSC for an amateur production - Jane Smith, Member

For me, the most touching and shattering production in 24 years was 2017 Titus Andronicus - Brigitte Uhrmann, Bronze Patron

We took our three children to the full one-day production of Nicholas Nickleby on New Year's Eve - Pam Thomas, RSC Member

My mother had never seen live Shakespeare before, and she loved it! - Member

I was mesmerised by Antony Sher in King Lear - Geoffrey Bottoms, Bronze Patron

I was fortunate enough to have a teacher who instilled in me a love of Shakespeare - Ann Dodson, Member

I came to the theate in my wedding dress - Alison Chisholm, Subscriber

The Homecoming was a revelation - Nigel de Gay, Bronze Patron

Me and my finance were extras in The Dillen - Deborah Deeley, Member

The RSC Key scheme opened theatre for me - Aled Hanson, Member

My first trip to Stratford with my now wife to see The Tempest lead to a lifetime love of Shakespeare - Adrian Mongredien, Friend

Summer Schools was a formative experience for me - Deborah Forbes, Subscriber

My love for Shakespeare began at 14 - Jenny Biggs, Subscriber