Everyone at the RSC plays a part in creating the world you see on stage.

Our Board is chaired by Shriti Vadera and comprises around 15 people, all chosen for their skills and experience. These include our Co-Artistic Directors Daniel Evans and Tamara Harvey and Executive Director Andrew Leveson, who work closely with and our senior management team in leading and steering the company.

Board and Governors

Apart from Daniel, Tamara and Andrew, our Board members are drawn from a wide group of Governors - all of whom champion our aims and act as our advocates. They meet at least once a year during our AGM. Our Patron is His Majesty The King.

Associate Artists

The Artistic Director also invites actors, directors, writers and designers who have made a serious commitment and an outstanding contribution to the life and reputation of the RSC to become Associate Artists and Honorary Associate Artists. The title is offered as a thank you and acknowledgement of achievement. The Associates are not part of the formal governance structure and receive no payment for their role, but are invited to have an involvement in shaping the future artistic life of the company.

See the RSC Associate Artists

Senior Leadership Team

Tamara Harvey and Daniel Evans as Co-Artistic Directors, and Executive Director Andrew Leveson are supported by a group of senior managers who make up the Senior Leadership Team and are responsible for developing and implementing our Strategic Plan. A much wider group of department heads meet through the year as the Leadership Group, managing our day to day operations and debating the key issues affecting the life of the company. 

Key biographies 


His Majesty King Charles III

Our board

  • Shriti Vadera

  • Mark Thompson

  • Daniel Evans

  • Tamara Harvey

  • Geoff Barton

  • Sir Nicholas Hytner

  • Andrew Leveson

  • Andrew Miller MBE

  • Amanda Parker

  • Winsome Pinnock

  • Clare Reddington

  • Anna Sedgley

  • Professor Emma Smith

  • Mark Smith

  • Professor Ayanna Thompson

  • Liz Vernon

RSC America

Susan Tomasky, President


  • Our Governors

  • Emeritus Chairman

  • Honorary Emeritus Governors

  • Honorary Governors


  • Nominations Committee

  • Risk, Audit and Finance Committee

  • Investment Committee

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