Teaching approaches and lesson ideas for teaching Hamlet in Secondary and Primary, Drama and English.

Below you will find some suggested activities, videos and approaches for teaching Hamlet. These have been grouped into five sections, each with three or four steps. These sections have been designed so that they can be tackled in one lesson but you might want to take more time on some of the topics. 

Each section contains activities and suggestions for Secondary English, Drama and Primary learners. 

The 'Key Scenes' section is slightly different. Here, we have grouped activities on key scenes by theme and suggest you approach these one at a time. 

Hamlet: Story and Themes

  • Ideas and Images

  • Telling the Story

  • Developing Understanding

  • Responding to Messages

Hamlet: Introducing Characters

  • Character Introductions

  • Exploring Connections

  • A new Era in Denmark

  • Hamlet's Priorities

Hamlet: Exploring Key Scenes

Hamlet: Character Journeys

  • Mapping Journeys

  • Character Choices

  • Considering Interpretations

  • Perception and Performance

Hamlet: Reflection and Structure

  • Making Connections

  • The Resolution

  • Hamlet as a Tragedy