The cast stand on stage in full armour

Henry IV, Part I

William Shakespeare

The second play in Shakespeare's series of histories, musing on the realities of wielding power.

Past Productions

Henry IV Part I was performed after the official opening of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in 1932 and fifty years later was the inaugural production at the Barbican Theatre. 

Our productions of Henry IV Part I over the years have included many famous actors playing the pivotal roles of Prince Hal, Hotspur, Falstaff and Henry IV: Richard Burton (Hal), Michael Redgrave (Hotspur) and Antony Quayle (Falstaff) in 1951; Ian Holm (Hal), Hugh Griffith (Falstaff) and Eric Porter (Henry IV) in 1964; Alan Howard (Hal) and Brewster Mason (Falstaff) in 1975; Timothy Dalton (Hotspur), Joss Ackland (Falstaff) and Patrick Stewart (Henry IV) in 1982; Robert Stephens (Falstaff) and Julian Glover (Henry IV) in 1991; David Warner (Falstaff) in 2007.

Here you can find out more about some of our key past productions, giving you an insight into how they were staged and the directorial choices that were made.