The RSC is a registered charity and we rely on donations to make our work possible. We are very grateful to all of our valued supporters of all kinds, whose commitment brings to life our productions, education programmes, artist training, and new work.

Find out more about how to support our work.

Corporate Partners

All the world’s a stage…. Even the Mid-Atlantic

Read more here about how the RSC is bringing Shakespeare to the high seas

Cumard logo in red with a gold crest

RSC £10 Tickets

An initiative supported by global entertainment platform TikTok to ensure young people under 25 can visit the RSC for £10 or less

TikTok logo in white on a black background

Headline Sponsor of Pericles

Darwin Escapes Logo Lock Up - RGB (2) 

Headline Sponsor of The Red Shoes

Pragnell logo in black on white







Preferred Hotel Partner for Matilda The Musical in London

Edwardian Hotels logo in black and gold



Christopher Saul Associates

Innotech Advisers Ltd


Morgan Stanley

Creative Learning Partners


Fairleigh Dickinson University logo with a blue crest showing a swan and Fortiter et Suaviter




University of Birmingham logo and crest


Horace Mann School logo


UMN logo.2png



Arts Council England
Coventry & Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
Innovate UK
National Lottery Heritage Fund
The National Lottery through Arts Council England


Miranda Curtis CMG
Backstage Trust


Sir Ronald Cohen and Ms Sharon Harel
Lydia and Manfred Gorvy*
Charles Holloway OBE
Aud Jebsen
Chris and Jane Loughran
Doug and Julie McPherson*
Anne Olivieri and René Olivieri CBE
Usha and Parag Saxena*
Joy Tadaki and Andrew Sillitoe


Susan Tomasky and Ronald J Ungvarsky*
Marcia Whitaker*


Peggy Czyzak-Dannenbaum


Kathleen J. Yoh*


Meenakshi Adams
Ashley Alder
Lady Alexander of Weedon
Neil and Ann Benson
Philip Bermingham*
Neil and Sarah Brener
David and Sandra Burbidge
Carolyn Carter Starr*
Michael and Susan Clasper
Sir Ronald Cohen and Ms Sharon Harel
Lynette and Robert Craig
Felicia and Michael Crystal
Jane McFadden Epstein
Thérèse Esperdy and Robert Neborak*
Mark and Sandy Foster*
Ros and Alan Haigh
Tony and Linda Hales
William and Kate Hobhouse
Michael and Mercedes Hoffman*
Jan and Henry Keeling
Ian and Caroline Laing
The Lehoczky Escobar Family*
Nick and Alyssa Lovegrove
Dina and Stephen Lucas
Serrie and Ian Meakins
Andrew and Shaaron Morgan
Anthony Nutt
Michael and Jilli Priest
A Rosemary Saïd
Dame Susie Sainsbury DBE
John and Jo Saville
Jon and NoraLee Sedmak*
Robert Senior and Sarah Hunter
Peter Thompson
Shriti Vadera
David and Marlies Weston
Jane and Sarah Williams
Jo Windsor


Peter and Alison Bennett-Jones
Janet Bignell KC and Richard Bignell
Edward and Isabel Braham
Isabel Davies and David Whitten
Sarah and Tony de Bell
Michael and Frances Dobson
Ray and Eileen Dunn
Robyn Durie
John and Barbara Eden
Griselda and Nigel Hamway
Leonard Hoffmann
Jeanie and Philip Holland
John and Jan Hornby
Weslie and William Janeway
John Jennings and Juliet Grundy
Joy and Geoff Kennard
Mark Kramer*
Simon and Mary Lowth
Audrey Mandela and Sean Phelan
Shibani and Ivan Menezes
Stephen Moss
Keith Norton
Jane and Dave Novak
Jane Rigler and Ken Ollerton
Andrew Pitt
Dinah Rewell
Patricia Rigby
Linda and Paul Sivelle

Mark and Amanda Smith
Fiona Stockwell
Michael Thrussell
Tony and Maureen Wheeler


Jane and Richard Addis
Charles and Clare Alexander
Chris, Deirdre, Ronan and Roisin Allen
Sir Eric and Lady Anderson
Anson Charitable Trust
Jeffrey and Mary Archer
Liz and Mark Astaire
Beverley and David Banks
Gill and Bernard Barrett
Margaret Barretto and Alistair Clark
Kevin and Morwenna Bannigan
Sue Barron*
Martin and Jilli Bates
Sir Jack and Lady Beatson
Sir David and Lady Louise Bell
Robert and Pattie Beresford
Jazz and Sophia Bhamra
Mrs Sandra Billinge
Kim and Nigel Binks
Martin Bowley KC
Fleur Bradley
H & J Brave
Penelope Braye
Walt and David Brecht
Donna and Gary Burton-Wilcock
Sir Dominic Cadbury
Roger and Lesley Cadbury
Professor Phil Cardew
Philip Carne MBE and Christine Carne
Anne and Brian Carvell
Amy Chen and James Hazel
Simon and Liz Clemmow
Les, Sally and Lily Coates
Mr and Mrs Leigh Collins
Caroline and Christopher Compston
Eileen Cooper
Vivienne Cox CBE and Erik Vischer
Lin and Ken Craig
Tony Robinson and Liz Cratchley
Liz Crosoer
Celia and Andrew Curran
Donald Barb and
Bruce Davidson
Gwyn and Peter Davies
Neil and Caitlin Davis
Jill P Davison
Gillian and Andrew Dawson
Nicholas Dee
Laura DeMarco and Neil Allen*
Dr Hugh Dingle
Jane Drabble OBE
Sir John and Lady Egan
Victoria Ellison
Colin and Susan Enticknap
Steve and Sheila Evans
Rupert and Hilary Evenett
David Farnan
Rev A Farrington
Jaynie and Duncan Ford
Paul J Fournel
Martin and Gillian Fowmes
Caroline Flower
Ann Glaves-Smith
Dimitri and Christina Goulandris
Sue Clodd and Mike Griffiths
Loyd Grossman and Melissa Knatchbull
Ingrid Jacoby and Stephen Gray
Tessa Hakkinen
Sophie Hague and Jonathan Hill
Sarah R Wolff and Joel L Handelman*
Cheryl and Patrick Harbour
Mike Harris

Mike Hawkins
John Hemingway and Robyn Oliver
Lady Heseltine
Alison R. Hirsch*
Paul & Leta Humphreys
Pippa and Martyn Hurd
Molly Jackson
Linda and Andrew Jamieson
Dr Mark Jeffries
David Jenkins and Lesley Bell
Peter and Christine Job
Melanie J. Johnson
Philippa Seal and Philip Jones KC
Professor Vivien Jones
Professor Richard Kaplan and Professor Laurie Kaplan
Philip Keber
Steve and Clare Kingshott
Frances Kirkham
Graham Knight
David Lanch
Kerry and Jonathan Lane OBE
Steven Larcombe and Sonya Leydecker
The Limoges Trust
Sir Timothy and Lady Lloyd
David and Catherine Loudon
Penny Malec
Selina and David Marks
Emma Marsh
William and Felicity Mather
Hilary McGowan
Rosane McNamara
Chris and Julie Merry
Kerry and Patricia Milan
Jennifer and Hassan Miremadi
Chris Monk
Mark and Judy Moody-Stuart
Yoko Morimoto
Brian and Sheila Morris
Charlotte and Bill
Kate Mulcahey
Jack Murphy
Jonathon and Dawn Newbold
William and Patricia Nichol
Gilbert Omenn and Martha Darling*
Martin O’Reilly
John Osborn CBE
Lynn and Derek Palethorpe
Jayne Parris
John Parrott
Tim and Victoria Pearce
Lionel and Lynn Persey
Andrew Michael Pettipher
Mary Phibbs
Darrell Phillips
Bill and Jo Pidduck
Graham Pimlott
Benedetta Polk
Jean Pratt
Suzie Proctor and Andrew Leaper
Dr Simon and Mrs Debi Pudsey
Mr Nigel Reynolds and Ms Lisa Pritchard
Jonathan and Emily Rogers
Roberta and Stephen Rosefield
Peter and Cherill Scott
Mo O’Hara and Guy Scurfield
Linda Selway-Russell
Andrew Seth
Peter and Sheila Sharpe
Ramona Silipo and Ian Freer
Catherine Small
Sir Martin and Lady Smith
Clive and Annie Snowdon
Francesca Stanfill and Richard Nye*
Lord and Lady Stirrup
Kirsten Suenson-Taylor
Derek and Ruth Taylor
Sue Tipping
Rodney and Jane Turner
Lee and Melinda Varian

Sir David and Lady Varney
Karen and Peter Ventress
Mike Watts
Angie and Rob Webb KC
Ailsa White
Lynn and Keith Williams
Dr John Wollaston
Professors Margaret and
Alastair Wood
Mrs C Wyse
Roger Yates


We would like to thank all our Bronze Patrons for their support.


Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation
Art Fund
Backstage Trust
C A Rookes Charitable Trust
Clore Duffield Foundation
Drue and H.J.Heinz II
Charitable Lead Trust
Edgerton Foundation New Play Award
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
Fidelity UK Foundation
Foyle Foundation
Garfield Weston Foundation
The Gatsby Charitable Foundation
The Goldsmiths’ Company Charity
The Golsoncott Foundation
The Grantham Yorke Trust
The Grimmitt Trust
GRoW @ Annenberg
Hawthornden Foundation
HDH Wills 1965 Charitable Trust
Hitz Foundation
John Armitage Charitable Trust
The John S Cohen Foundation
Katie Bradford Arts Trust
The Kovner Foundation
Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Foundation
Law Family Charitable Foundation
The Lennox Berkeley Society
The Leverhulme Trust Arts Scholarship
LSEG Foundation
The Mackintosh Foundation
The Marchus Trust
Misses Barrie Charitable Trust
The Noël Coward Foundation
The Oakley Charitable Trust
Oppenheimer Generations Foundation
The Patrick Trust
Paul Hamlyn Foundation
The Polonsky Foundation
Rothschild Foundation
RSC Friends
The Saintbury Trust
The Saints and Sinners Trust
Theatre Artist Fund
Sir James Knott Trust
Stratford Town Trust
The Teale Charitable Trust
William A Cadbury
Charitable Trust
The Wyfold Charitable Trust
The Wolfson Foundation

We would like to thank everyone who has donated to the RSC including those who wish to remain anonymous.

The RSC would also like to thank those who have remembered us in their wills.

* Supporters of RSC America

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