Dive headfirst into Shakespeare this summer with our week-long immersive programme in Stratford-upon-Avon

Course Details

Ideal for: Anyone ages 18 - 25 

Check back soon for information about the 18 - 25 Summer School 2025.

ABOUT THE 18-25 Summer School

Spend five days in Stratford-upon-Avon exploring plays from our Summer Season.

Participate in a variety of sessions including practical workshops and insights from creatives and academics. This course is particularly useful for those students who are studying or looking to study drama at university level.

An example of the week might include:

  • Masterclasses working on ensemble, monologues and duologues with an RSC Associate Learning Practitioner
  • Industry Insights and Audition workshopping
  • A session on casting at the RSC
  • A directing masterclass on a play from our stages
  • A Q&A with actors/directors from the season

Included in the week will be performance tickets for two of our shows.

18-25 Summer School participant 2022

If you are thinking about applying for the RSC Summer School, don't think about it, just go for it! You will meet a whole host of talented and like-minded creatives and learn skills which you can apply for years to come.

The work of the RSC Creative Learning and Engagement team is supported by Paul Hamlyn Foundation, GRoW @ Annenberg, The Polonsky Foundation, The Thompson Family Charitable Trust and other generous supporters.

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