Schools and Teachers

From events and workshops for students, to lesson plans, resources and CPD for teachers, we're here to help

We know that Shakespeare can capture imaginations and that our approaches to teaching and learning unlock potential in children and young people. Inclusion and engagement are at the heart of our practice.

We work with thousands of young people, teachers and partner theatres each year, who experience the power of Shakespeare's language in their schools, local communities and around the world. 

The context in schools is constantly changing. We are here to support you, whether you’re looking for professional learning opportunities, creative engagement for young people, in-depth partnerships or new ideas to bring Shakespeare’s work to life in your classroom.  


"Arts subjects are about what you think rather than what you are told to think. In more academic subjects you are told, 'these are the facts, this is what you need to do'. The arts are more about you creating something new."

What we offer to schools and teachers

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