Two graduates from our Next Generation talent and skills development programme have taken on their first professional roles for the upcoming production of The Two Gentlemen of Verona.

Next Generation is our long term talent development programme for young people, working across three areas - Act, Direct and Backstage. In partnership with our Associate Schools and Associate Regional Theatre Partners, we offer a platform for young people to develop their skills, create productions and take their first steps into the theatre industry.

Muniira Ali and Qaraman Saidzada were part of the 2024 cohorts for Next Generation Direct and Next Generation Backstage. They now take up their first paid roles in the theatre industry as part of our summer production of The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Muniira as Trainee Assistant Director and Qaraman as Trainee Assistant Stage Manager.

The four performances will take place between 22 and 24 August in the open-air Holloway Garden Theatre.

Muniira Ali, Trainee Assistant Director, and Qaraman Saidzada, Trainee Assistant Stage Manager, were part of the 2024 cohorts for Next Generation Direct and Next Generation Backstage respectively.

Qaraman Saidzada, Trainee Assistant Stage Manager

Qaraman, now aged 20, was born and grew up in Kurdistan. He came to the UK at the end of 2020 at age 17 and started to learn English at Bradford College. He went to the theatre for the first time in 2021 on a college trip to Stratford, which included a backstage tour of the Swan. Seeing his passion for it, his ESOL teacher Esther encouraged him to apply to Next Generation.

About his experience so far, Qaraman says: “Stage management is very complicated - it's not just one thing. I write the notes about the stage, the props and the set and the entrances and exits. My major responsibility is to write down what props we need and which ones we use for each scene. The whole team is being super supportive and making sure that we feel confident about our responsibilities."

He has now completed a two-year Foundation Degree in Performing Arts at Bradford College, and plans to get more theatre experience and develop his skills to complete a third and final year of his degree. He says: "My goal is to be fully working as a stage manager and to be a part of as many projects as I can, to learn and develop my skills. That’s my dream.

A bearded young man of around 20 dressed in a beige t-shirt and blue overalls stands, arms folded, with his back against a turquoise wall.
Qaraman Saidzada

"The RSC has been my support and a great school, teaching me stage management and improving my skill set. I just appreciate and am grateful that the RSC tries to involve young people in their work so much and to help the new generation be more creative."

A young woman with brown hair wearing a beige vest, white cardigan and jeans leans against a turquoise wall

Muniira Ali, Trainee Assistant Director

Born and raised between London, Egypt and Somalia, former copywriter Muniira (25) found herself wanting to make a return to her creative life. After beginning a course in Creative Music Production, she discovered Intermission Youth Theatre. They persuaded her to apply for the RSC’s Next Generation Direct talent development programme.

Muniira says: "Before I wanted to act mainly but now I understand that directing is probably the place I feel more inspired and more comfortable…I wanted to get a foot into directing because there aren't many ways into directing. But to have this whole program! I don't think people who are new to the industry really get opportunities like this a lot of the time."

She sums up her experience of working on The Two Gentleman of Verona so far as ‘beautifully hectic’, describing the company as a ‘very collaborative, supportive space’ that’s given her access to a network of talent and expertise she can turn to at any time for advice and guidance.

As for the future, she’s currently working on writing her own play. She says: “I'm almost at the end and I'm hoping to put it out to a couple theatres – and direct it possibly."

Muniira Ali

"Everyone on the team has been super encouraging. I think especially when you're an assistant director, it's sometimes difficult to find when to step in and have your voice heard. But Paul [Ainsworth, Director and Young Theatre Makers Developer] has really made an effort to ask me what I think, and allow me to open myself up to the young people and give my opinion."

Our Next Generation programme has been running for eight years, giving young people opportunities to learn and develop theatre sector skills. The aim of the programme is to contribute to building a fairer, more inclusive theatre industry as well as plugging creative skills shortages.

The wide-reaching training programme develops talent across multiple theatre skills, and 24 members from the RSC’s young company, Next Generation Act, join alumni from Next Generation Direct and Next Generation Backstage to create this summer's production of Two Gentlemen of Verona.

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