Jacqui O’Hanlon, our Director of Learning, continues to champion the importance of arts education in a recent series of talks and conferences.
As well as highlighting the impact of our work on children and young people, Jacqui has been speaking about our belief that an arts-rich education should be the right of every child, not just the privileged few.
Jacqui is championing the role of arts education for young people at these events:
- Kicking off at the Future Forward conference in Warwick, Jacqui’s talk, entitled ‘why all schools should be arts rich’, examined why an arts-rich education is the best way to unlock potential, contribute to health and happiness and foster vital skills for life beyond school.
- Speaking about the future and importance of arts education at a pre-show reception for Matilda The Musical
- Chairing a roundtable discussion with other colleagues in the arts and cultural sector on behalf of the Gulbenkian Foundation. Forty years ago, the Gulbenkian Foundation published a seminal report called Arts in Schools. Jacqui’s roundtable looked at what progress has been made in ensuring the rights of all children to high-quality arts and cultural learning. The feedback will be used to inform a new report to be published later this year.
- Taking part in the Foundation for Educational Development’s (FED) two-day National Education Summit.